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PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk
+62 21 4601733 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:30 Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 23.1 - Cakung, Jakarta 13910
ISO Ceritified


Home Solution Power Distribution

Power Distribution

Power distribution is the delivery system of electricity to places that use it, such as homes and other buildings. It is done mainly by power lines, transformers, substations and meters. The electricity comes from the power station at high voltage and is delivered at medium to low voltage levels.

Distribution is the process of reducing power to safe customer-usable levels, and delivering the electric power to the grid. The power level is reduced by step-down transformers, which lower the voltage of the electricity from dangerous levels to safer levels. The entire distribution grid includes lines, poles, transformers, and switching and protection circuits that deliver safe electrical power. Cables that are used is medium voltage cable, either underground cables or aerial cables.