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PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk
+62 21 4601733 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:30 Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 23.1 - Cakung, Jakarta 13910
ISO Ceritified


Home Investor Governance CSR


As social and environmental aspects are integral to the Company’s business activity, the Company realizes that concrete contribution toward a sustainable and proper corporate social responsibility is necessary to maintain the harmony and synergy between the commercial, social and environmental aspects. In carrying out its corporate social responsibility, the Company refers to various regulations concerning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) published by the Indonesian government, such as Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company and Government Regulation No. 47 of 2012 on the Social and Environmental Responsibility of Limited Liability Companies. The Company believes that a sustainable and effective CSR implementation testifies that the Company has properly carried out its corporate governance, primarily in complying with the principle of responsibility.

Environmental Responsibility

The Company’s environmental responsibility practices are carried out under the supervision of the Department of Quality Assurance. The Department has prepared a working program in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, including Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environment Protection and Management.

The Company has carried out the following environmental responsibility programs:

  1. Environmental Parameter Measurement – RKP RPL
  2. IPAL Maintenance Contract
  3. Environmental Management System Upgrade – ISO 14001:2015
  4. Vehicle Emission Test
  5. Domestic Liquid Waste Test
  6. PBDE Training

Employment and Occupational Health & Safety Responsibility

Based on Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment, the Company has established a policy regarding employment matters and an occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) that is based on OHSAS 18001:2007 and Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012 on the Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety System.

Social and Community Enhancement Responsibility

The sustainability of the Company’s business is inseparable from the role and contribution of the local community. As part of its service to the local community, the Company is committed to improve welfare through various corporate social responsibility programs that cover aspects such as religion, education, culture, health, as well as facilities and infrastructure.

The Company has carried out its responsibility towards social development such as :

  1. Community Operational Financial Aid
  2. Community Medical Check-up
  3. Financial Aid on Religious Activity
  4. Sacrificial Animals Aid

Product and Service Responsibility

Product Quality is the Company’s priority throughout its production, delivery, storage, and installation process. The products leaving the Company’s production facility have gone through a series of strict quality assurance steps that take into account aspects such as product appropiateness and performance under pressure. All the Company’s products are also equipped with an instruction sheet that explains the appropriate and safe storage and transport method.