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PT KMI Wire and Cable Tbk
+62 21 4601733 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 16:30 Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 23.1 - Cakung, Jakarta 13910
ISO Ceritified


Home Investor Governance Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The company has the Code of Conduct, which all employees are required to use as a reference when they perform their tasks and responsibilities.

The Code of Conduct regulates the following:

Business Ethics

Referring to the conduct the company has set for interacting and communicating with stakeholders, which include employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, the regulator, local community, shareholders, creditors, subsidiaries, mass media, professional communities/organizations, and in international trade.

Work Ethics

Regarding the conduct in performing duties and in interacting. These include points about compliance with the law, conflict of interests, giving-and-receiving exchanges, equality and respect for human rights, fair employment opportunities, unfair payment, confidentiality of data and information, asset control and use, occupational health and safety and work environment, Intellectual Property Rights and ethical conduct toward all employees.

The Code of Conduct is always adjusted to the development of legal and social norm and the regulation, as well as with the business growth of the Company. To ensure the implementation of the code, the Company periodically runs the internalization and awareness program in all of its areas of operation. And employees on both the structural and the executive levels are required to participate in the program.